Gerbil Nature
The Mongolian gerbil is an inquisitive and friendly animal. Their behaviour is very unique and you can get hours of pleasure and enjoyment just by watching them run around and go about their day.
Be careful what you leave in reach of your gerbil as whatever is available is usually chewed to bits, not much escapes their gnawing teeth. In the wild gerbils chew and gnaw to find food and scratch their surroundings to widen their living space, while not practical in a cage they will still do it. Look for what toys are on the market that have been designed for your gerbil to chew apart and destroy.
Gerbils will explore their surrounding everyday in their natural habitat and in captivity, this is how they search for food. They also guard their nest and territory against any invaders. When a gerbil comes into a new area they have not been to before, they will quickly try to claim it as their own and mark it with scent that they use to distinguish between territories.
During the day gerbils will groom themselves a lot by moistening their paws with their tongue and clean the mouth and whisker areas. They move their paws all the way across their fur to their ears. You will notice that your gerbil can clean its ears with it’s hind legs and it stretches its tail all the way around and slides it between its paws to clean it thoroughly.