Ten Tips When Buying A Gerbil
- Make sure that the gerbils you buy are healthy and kept in a clean cage.
- When gerbils are asleep, they will perk up pretty quickly, if someone put their hands into the cage.
- Gerbil’s eyes should be bright, clear and open.
- Their coat should be shiny without any bald patches or skin problems.
- Buy a pair of gerbils that have been living together previously, you will save from unwanted problems if they are unfamiliar with each other.
- Look over the animal for signs of wounds or fractures, notice how they walk and move.
- You should buy a gerbil that is at least six weeks old, try to get gerbils that are about eight to ten weeks.
- A gerbil’s age can be estimated by looking at the length of its tail. During the first six weeks the tail will grow quickly to about 2-3 inches, it then slows down and reaches about 4 inches by the time it is one year old.
- The gerbil’s hind legs and feet should not be soiled in stools.
- Notice if the gerbils excessively scratch, as this can be a sign of a parasite problem.